How to Buy Crypto without Fees

There is no doubt that investing in cryptocurrency can be very beneficial, if you do it right. In the current fast-paced economic world, there is a need for investors to keep up with the latest trends. We have to look for ways through which we can spend less and earn more. If you are a beginner in crypto trading, this article will teach you how to buy crypto without fees, buy bitcoins with cash app, and how to buy altcoins with USD.


Crypto without Paying Exorbitant Fees

The best way to buy crypto without paying exorbitant fees is by using cryptocurrency trading platforms away from the popular ones such as Coinbase, Binance, and eToro.

Trading platforms such as Phemex, KuCoin, and are popular for selling crypto without any additional fees. However, each of the mentioned platforms is best for trading in specific cryptocurrency.

For instance, if you want the best no-fee exchange for Spot Trading, Phemex is your best option. If you are looking for the best no-fee exchange for altcoins, KuCoin is your most viable option. is the best no-fee exchange for mobile apps.

To trade in any no-fee exchange cryptocurrency platform, you need to register a new account (with your preferred platform) then follow the instructions.

For example, if you choose to register an account with Phemix, you will proceed to clicking on the “products” link before selecting the “spot Trading (zero fees) option. You will then search for your preferred cryptocurrency before trading or selling.

Other popular cryptocurrency trading platforms with no fees include:

How to Buy Bitcoins with Cash App

So how to buy bitcoins with cash app? Bitcoin is probably the most popular cryptocurrency. To purchase bitcoin using your Cash App, simply go to the app’s home screen and tap on “Bitcoin.” Press buy then select the amount of money that you want to spend. Enter your pin and confirm your purchase.

It is important to note that purchasing Bitcoin using Cash App requires that you have a balance in your wallet. In some cases, you might have to give details of your accurate geographical location.

Purchasing Bitcoins using Cash App comes with its limitations as well. To check your limits and progress, tap on the banking tab then select bitcoin and Scroll to the Bitcoin Limits Section. iOS users can access this information by tapping on the “View Limits Progress” option.

Cash App also allows you to buy or sell Bitcoins for a selected price automatically through its Custom Bitcoin Orders option. This is advantageous especially when buying the dip, capturing gains, limiting losses and buying the rally. You can cancel a custom order when you wish.


How to Buy Altcoins with USD

There are unlimited sites where you can buy altcoins. However, the type of altcoin that you purchase will determine where and how you buy them.

For better-known tokens like Ethereum, Litecoin, and EOS, you can find them almost anywhere. Trouble comes in when you are looking for lesser-known tokens such as ArepaCoin and Revain.

Most altcoins do not accept flat currencies such as the US Dollar. So how to buy Altcoins with USD? Well, the best way to go about this is to convert your USD into other tokens that can buy altcoins directly.

You can achieve this by purchasing other forms of altcoins that accept flat currencies such as Coinbase or Kraken then using the tokens to purchase the other tokens that don’t accept flat currencies. However, this option is limited as you can only exchange up to 18 altcoins tokens only.


Alternatively, you can use electronic wallets that support cryptocurrency such as PayPal. You can then use your ESD to purchase the Altcoins tokens and trade successfully.

It is possible to buy crypto without fees. However, you will have to be very keen and conduct your due diligence to figure out which cryptocurrency exchange platforms offer the best deals. At the moment, Phemex is the best for Spot Trading.

Cash App allows its users to use the platform to purchase bitcoins as long as they have a balance in their accounts. However, there are limits and progresses that govern how much Bitcoins you can purchase. The more you use the platform, the more the limit grows.

Buying Altcoins with USD is not easy. However, you can try the available options such as using electronic wallets that accept cryptocurrencies such as PayPal and Skrill.

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